The High Court of Singapore agreed with IIa Technologies and found that one of Element Six’s key patent no. 110508 in Singapore (“ SG ‘508”) which relates to the production and annealing of CVD Diamonds to improve their color, is invalid. The High Court has ordered that SG ‘508 be revoked. For this reason, the High Court further concluded that IIa Technologies has not infringed SG ‘508.
The High Court found that another Element Six patent no.115872, which relates to the production of optical grade diamonds, is valid and has been infringed. IIa Technologies and its lawyers are studying the judgment and will consider its next steps.
Mr Vishal Mehta said, “IIa Technologies has developed its proprietary process in the last 15 years and is proud of the work we have done to bring lab grown diamonds to the world. The current judgment will be considered in its entirety and then the company will take necessary steps to protect its interests.”